Steel Detailing
A Collaborative Approach
You’ll work with our team of NISD certified detailers personally from the bottom up. First examining drawings and outlining problem areas, then filling in the gaps with the architect and engineer to ensure the integrity of their vision of the building.
Technology for a Smoother Building Process
Our 3D modeling softwares, SDS2 and TEKLA, allow our team to give additional insight into your project. Using the 3D software, you can detect erection issues more quickly, physically seeing rather than imagining them. This allows you to secure a cohesive plan and ultimately a smoother building process.
What We Do
Detailing 0 to 3000+ tons
Complex Geometric Detail
Utilize pre-constructed 3D models
BIM Model
Provide CNC Information
Outline DXF Plate Information
Construct Fabtrol Reports
FabSuite Specialist On Staff